Region 9 FEI Young Riders

Clinics and Competitions around the Region for Young Riders

Here is a list of the competitions and clinics of interest to young riders in Region 9, as well as the contact information for the events.

2004 NAYRC Qualifying Competitions

San Antonio Spring Dressage I and II
April 4-5, 2004
San Antonio, Texas
Contact Nicole Salizillo

Fort Worth Dressage Club Spring Fling I and II
April 11-12, 2004
Glen Rose, Texas
Contact Ed Lavallee

Houston Dressage Society Spring Classic I and II
May 1-2, 2004
Katy, Texas
Contact Marilyn Kulifay

Oklahoma Dressage Society Spring 1 and 2
May 1-2, 2004
Shawnee, Oklahoma
Contact Stacia Wert-Gray

Clinics for Advanced Young Riders

February 14-16, 2004
Clinic with Gerhard Politz
Topsider Farm, College Station
Contact Michele Vorhees,

May 15-16, 2004
Clinic with Gerhard Politz
Location TBA
Contact Michele Vorhees,

June 19-20, 2004
Clinic with Gerhard Politz
Location TBA
Contact Michele Vorhees,

July 17-18, 2004
Clinic with Gerhard Politz
Stormin' G Ranch, College Station
Contact Michele Vorhees,

July 31-August 2, 2004
Clinic with Gerhard Politz
Topsider Farm, College Station
Contact Michele Vorhees,

Other Events

July 17, 2004: Dancing with Horses Advanced Young Rider Fundraiser
Location: Stormin' G Ranch, College Station, TX.
Description: A fundraiser for the Region 9 Advanced Young Riders in which they will perform their musical freestyles. There will also be a silent auction, raffle, and more!
Contact: Larry Garrett at or Michele Vorhees at

This fundraiser will be held in conjunction with the Region 9 Summer Meeting and the July 17-18 clinic with Gerhard Politz.