As any rider knows, competing in dressage regionally is an expensive road to travel. This cost is nowhere near what an advanced young rider must be prepared to spend to qualify, get to and compete in the North American Young Riders' Championships. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to help the Region 9 team.
It is our goal to qualify for the NAYRC, to make it there, and to represent USDF Region 9 the best we can. It is this desire to compete and succeed that may one day give us the desire to make our country proud at international competitions. We are the future.
If you would like to help, the following is a partial list of donation ideas for the 2003 Region 9 team. -Travel Expenses for Horses -Travel Expenses for Riders
-Entry Fees for the NAYRC
-Stabling for the NAYRC
-Saddle Pads for Competition
-Polo Shirts for Trot Out
-Saddle Pads for Schooling
-Wraps/Boots for Schooling
-Polo Shirts for Schooling
-Brow Bands for Trot Out/Competition
-Stall Name Plates
-Horse Sheets/Blankets
-Standing Wraps
-Other Horse Attire/Accessories
-Other Rider Attire/Accessories
If you would like to donate any of these items, or money to buy these items, please send the Web Groom a message on the "Contact" page or email
Another way you can help is by donating to or attending Dancing With Horses, the annual fundraiser for the Region 9 Advanced Young Riders. The fundraiser will be held Saturday, July 12, 2003, at Stormin G Ranch in College Station, Texas. We will be performing our musical freestyles for your viewing pleasure. Along with the freestyles, there will be silent auction items, raffles and other activities to benefit the Region 9 AYR program. For information about this event, send the Web Groom a message on the "Contact" page or email